Quality: Strategic Plan 2025 Priority Area

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Quality for Strategic Plan 2025:

Q1. Accreditable programs are accredited or seeking accreditation

Q2. Non-accreditable programs achieve a satisfactory aggregate score from program reviews or academic audits

Q3. Maintain or improve licensure and/or certification pass rates on national subject examinations for the programs that require them

Q5. Increase enrollment in high-impact practices

Q6. Students will be above benchmark level for each ISLO

Q7.  Programs (academic and non-academic) have annual program plans with measureable outcomes (including student learning outcomes), indicators, targets, results, and use of results for improvement

Q7.1.  Students in academic programs will demonstrate proficiency related to program student learning outcomes

Q8. Students will report satisfaction with programs and services

Q9. Alumni will report satisfaction with programs and services