ChSCC Strategic Plan 2025


The Strategic Plan aligns divisional and departmental goals and strategies to the mission statement and strategic priorities of the College, the Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR), and the Tennessee Higher Education Commission (THEC).  The plan is a living document and enhancements to the plan occur annually through the model of institutional effectiveness (IE) as outlined in the IE HandbookInstitutional Effectiveness (IE) is the systematic and continuous process by which the stakeholders within an institution document, measure, analyze, and improve the progress to which they accomplish the institution’s mission, purpose, and established strategic goals. In 2014, TBR established four (4) priority areas as the foundation for institutional strategic planning. 


Annual tracking of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) by clicking each priority area above.

In fall 2015 and spring 2016, the College utilized committees to identify key elements within each priority area for measuring progress and created narratives to describe the types of strategies that the College might undertake to improve within each area.  Annual goals across the institution were aligned to at least one of the priority areas within the years of 2015 – 2019.

Fcused Institutional Goals (IG)

Developed in summer 2019, the five identified focused institutional goals (IG) represent the collective goals   of the functional divisions reporting directly to the President.  While the five IGs do not represent 100% of the current or future accomplishments of the College, these goals should influence strategic decisions and inform unit goals, strategies, and improvement planning.

Institutional Goals aligned with the priority areas of Strategic Plan 2025

Institutional Equity Commitment:

We are intentional and determined in our commitment to create an expansive, responsive, engaging, and transformative community where differences and life barriers do not hinder student access, completion, and a sense of belonging.